
Two of my hobbies I made some money from. One was a long time ago when I made baskets that could be used formats anything. I used old Ice Cream Cartons from Baskin And Robbins, they gave them to me free.

I then “prettied” them up by painting designs an with ribbons on them. Sold them mainly at Christmas Time. I figured after various paints, ribbon, glue other items I made a whopping profit on them of around $7 or $8 each.

I also have self published and sold my books of poetry which my profit was very little, more a labor of love.

我有两个爱好,我怕凭此赚了一些钱。一个爱好是很久以前,我能用各种各样的篮子。我用的是 Baskin & Robbins 的旧冰淇淋盒,免费得来的。

然后我把它们 “美化 “了一下,在上面画上图案,再加上丝带。主要在圣诞节时出售。我计算了一下,在除去各种颜料、丝带、胶水等物品的成本之后,我赚到了惊人的利润什么爱好能挣钱什么爱好能挣钱,每个篮子大约7或8美元。



My hobbies:


Playing Piano

Writing online on Quora

Tinkering and creating stuff.

So far, I have not made any money out of them. I plan not to anyway. I would rather have my hobbies aid/boost my potential career or well-being than to try to earn little money. Even so, I do not plan to make my hobbies a career, so, of course, I would not attempt to try to earn any money out of them. In addition, to start a business based on my hobbies would mean that I would have to sacrifice a lot of my time to maintain my business, create my products, figure out the pricing of the resources needed, etc. to which I do not have the time to spare right now (I am currently attending college).








I make glass window hangings out of vintage windows and vintage glass. I also do needle felting and painting. Additionally, I grew up with parents who had a side interior design business, so I’m fairly good at decorating.

I mostly create things for gifts and for my own pleasure. On several occasions I’ve been commissioned to make things and I was begged by a friend who owns an event house to host a paint night at her venue. Friends have offered to pay me to help them decorate their homes (I always say no to pay, but will give them advice).

Here’s the odd thing that I’ve found, once commerce enters in, my hobby is no longer a hobby—it’s a job. It has timelines and deadlines and critiques. There’s no more getting lost in the pleasure of creating when I’m working to please someone else. I prefer to make things for the pleasure of it, or for gifts to the people I care about. It’s nice to know that I can make money off of the things I make, if need be, but I’d rather just have fun with it.




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